
Support SoHarlem by shopping for these products. The majority of these products were upcycled from materials and trimmings donated by designers.
Purchase SoHarlem products to show your support!
Support SoHarlem today and help create social equity and economic opportunity both for aspiring designers and for our neighbors seeking the skills and background they need to find a good, well-paying job. Post-pandemic, our work has taken on a new sense of relevance and urgency. Your tax deductible individual contribution will ensure we are there for the people who need us now, more than ever, with everything from training and workshops to access to our Designers’ Studio, a welcoming, functional manufacturing plant and a place where people come to learn, network, shop and grow.
Your donation enables us to train a workforce, nurturing and financially supporting a true cohort spanning the generations, both young and old, through each step of the design and creation process.
Our community thrives when we join together for the greater good. Your gift, large or small, will help us to achieve our mission and change lives for the better through the power of creativity and good, hard work. Join today and we will keep you fully informed on how your support is helping further our cause and change lives for the better.
Please click below to make a contribution to SoHarlem. All gifts are welcome; checks should be made payable to SoHarlem, Inc. and mailed to 1361 Amsterdam Avenue, Suite 340, New York, NY 10027